Roskilde ’11 ArtistRecommender available

artistrecommenderThe Roskilde ’11 ArtistRecommender mobile app for Android is now available in Android Market. The app is developed by a team of DTU students Erik Beuschau, Michael Lunøe and Rasmus Theodorsen, as part of the festival courses in the Roskilde Festival powered by DTU Students initiative.

The mobile app allow the user to browse the artists at Roskilde Festival 2011 and get personal recommendations based on music preferences. Download the app from Android Market.

New Scientist: Sensational festival music, from your cellphone

lydteknologi_logoSound quality at open-air concerts can be disappointing. Now a smartphone app promises to put an end to tinny vocals‘. An article “Sensational festival music, from your cellphone” in New Scientist issue 2800 p. 23 on Feb. 19, 2011 describes our recent work on Augmenting the sound experience at music festivals using mobile phones (the research paper is available at the ACM Portal).

The project is carried out by DTU InformaticsCrossOverGlobal, and Rhode & Schwarz and is aDanish Sound Technology Network’s innovation project. The scientific work was presented at the15th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces (IUI2011) by Jakob Eg Larsen and Arkadiusz Stopczynski, DTU Informatics, including the technical issues in augmenting the sound experience using mobile phones as well as results from experiments carried out at two concerts at the Nibe music festival.

Interview in Børsen

borsenI gave an interview to Børsen about the position of Apple on the mobile market. The focus was on the position of the iPad tablet device contrary other mobile devices. The tablet ‘form factor’ with the combination of hardware, software, and services has turned out to have gained a strong place in the market, as discussed in these articles in Børsen (in danish)

The mobile wizard controls the party

dtu_avisen_2010_08DTU Avisen no. 8, 2010 has an article (page 19) about one of our recent projects studying music listening patterns via mobile phones combined with contextual information obtained from embedded mobile phone sensors. The master’s thesis project was carried out by Nima Zandi and Rasmus Handler in collaboration with Nokia Denmark and explores the basis for combining media and context information in mobile user interfaces for next-generation music player applications.

Best paper award at MobileHCI 2010

mobilehci_logo_2010M.Sc. student Arkadiusz Stopczynski and Associate ProfessorJakob Eg Larsen received a best paper award at MobileHCI 2010 for their paper entitled Enabling Festival-Wide Social Network Interaction Using 2D Barcodes, Mobile Phones and Situated Displays. The paper was presented at Social Mobile Web (SMW’10) at the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI’10).

Battle on sustainability

DTU News has created a short video on the GRØN DYST (eng: Green Challenge) prize winning project by DTU Informatics students Peter Gammelgaard Poulsen, Johan van Beusekom, and Lars Libak Pedersen.

The project involved development of an iPhone application to support commuters thereby helping to reduce emissions. The application allow people to coordinate via social networks including Facebook and Twitter.

DTU Informatics students win prizes in GRØN DYST

grondyst_prizeThe DTU Informatics students Peter Gammelgaard Poulsen, Johan van Beusekom, and Lars Libak Pedersen won prizes for their three week project done as part of the GRØN DYST (Green Challenge) and Roskilde Festival competitions. In the bachelor category Peter, Johan, and Lars won a 3rd prize. In addition Peter, Johan, and Lars won a prize in the Roskilde Festival category. The project involved development of an iPhone application to support commuters thereby helping to reduce emissions. The application allow people to coordinate via social networks including Facebook and Twitter.

Electronics keeps an eye on your sleep and diet

nokia_sports_trackerAn article in the danish newspaper Information discuss how “Electronics keeps an eye on your sleep and diet”. The article discuss how technologies including mobile phones and mobile applications can support people in self-monitoring of weight, exercise, sleep, etc. also in a social context. In addition how these types of applications are also turned into games to make the activities fun and motivating.

DTU Informatics in TV2 Nyhederne

tv2logo2Associate Professor Jakob Eg Larsen and master’s students carrying out their projects in Mobile Informatics Lab (milab) Rasmus Handler, Jesper Laursen and Arek Stopczynski were interviewed by TV2 Nyhederneyesterday on the story about an Apple employee losing a prototype of the “iPhone 4”. One controversy is whether this was an accident by the Apple employee or a carefully planned media stunt by Apple. That has been discussed a lot on the internet and in the media the last couple of days.

Video available here starting about the 5 min. mark.

Gesture and context-based navigation of mobile services

gesture_navigation_smallThe science portal has an article about a recent master’s thesis project carried out at DTU Informatics by Esben von Buchwald. The thesis deals with the issue of easily accessing relevant information or services on your mobile phone. A prototype application using context-information based on GPS and Compass sensors, and detection of gestures was developed, enabling easy browsing of information about nearby restaurants, cinema, and train schedules, simply by pointing at them with your mobile phone.

Your mobile phone knows everything about you

videnskab.dkThat’s how our research on mobile context-aware applications is phrased in an article at the danish science portal The article discusses a few examples of some of the recent mobile application proof-of-concept prototypes done in the lab. The examples include our context-aware image gallery for mobile phones, which semi-automatically annotate photos taken with context information (when, where, who) and LifeStatus – an application that aims to translate low-level sensor input from the mobile devices into phrases describing your current context, which the user can share on a social network, such as Facebook.